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モダンバレエでは型にとらわれず、刀や扇子を使った日本の伝統舞踊や韓国やオランダ 等世界各国の伝統舞踊に触れる。
大学時代にHip HopやReggaeを初め、その際に米軍基地近くのバーでたまたまサルサに出会いラテンダンスの魅力の虜になる。SalsaやReggaetonを中心に数々のイベントにPerformance出演。
2010年Brazilian Zoukに出会いZouk Japan(現Zouk ArtDance Company)のYamatoに師事。同時にYamatoのパートナーとして数々のZouk Performanceに出演。その後、体調を崩しPerformance活動を一時休止するが、自身の経験を元に呼吸やストレッチを大切にし、身体に負担をかけない踊り方、健康のためのダンスを心がけている。現在、都内で呼吸法+ストレッチ+ブラジリアンズークからなる「リラクズーク」レッスンを行っている。

Nana started to dance clasic ballet & Modern ballet when she was 3years old.

Her modern ballet teacher was very unique and she loved traditional dances from all over the world.
Therefore she got to dance many kinds of traditional dances such as japanese traditional dances using sward & fans, Korean traditional dance wearing chima jeogori, Dutch dance with big textile and such.
When she was university students, She was into hip hop dance & Reggae dance then she started to go to the clubs near U.S. military base in Yokosuka.
That's where she met salsa and fall in love with latin dances such as Salsa, Bachata, Merengue and Reggaeton.
2010 She met Brazilian Zouk and started learn from yamato Starter of Zouk Japan(now Zouk ArtDance Company)
At the same time she started to perform zouk at many places as yamato's partner.
Later she had health problem and stopped performing.
Since then she started to focus on "safe dance" that's led her to study breathing and stretch method.
Now she is teaching "Riraku Zouk ~Relaxzation Zouk" which consist of breathing, stretching, Core training and zouk dance.

2010 March Festival Latino @ Yokohama red bricks(Salsa)

2010 Contigo PERU 2010 ペルー独立祭(DIAMANTES DE LA SALSA & Las Chicas Calientes )

2011 March Charity event for Tohoku, Ms SALSA☆DELUXE (Zouk)

2011 Festival Latino @ Yokohama red bricks(Zouk Japan & GNZ48 )

2011 May Live session with Winchester Nii Tete (African dance)

2012 Feb Back dancer at Rhyming Gaijin & Mami Sue ’s live

2012 Apr Zouk Performance @ Vinawalk Ebina

2012 Freaky Lip Performance (Burlesque)

2012.7.21 Peru festival @ Citta Kawasaki (Reggaeton & Axe)

2014 Singapore International Bachata Latin Festival (Salsa)

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